Selasa, 15 November 2011

Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Dear Readers,
I hope you're not sick, because it sucks.Let me get straight to the point, I basically need to get healthy again. This time it's not only a matter of weight loss or appearance, it's more because my not-so-healthy lifestyle has taken a toll on my body. Can you believe I got sick almost every weekend during the past two months? It is more than unacceptable, it's a tragedy. You know what, back in the day when I was keen on eating healthily and exercised and enjoyed it, I never got sick. The flu feared me and my healthy body. My immune system was like the defence in Italy's 2006 World Cup Team. Seriously, not even joking. So, since I've had enough of coughing, sneezing and, more generally, of feeling saggy and lazy, I took an important decision: I must go back to Healthy Land as soon as possible.

I love breakfast. Unlike many people on the planet, I am one hell of a morning person, so I do make an extra effort and wake up earlier to make sure I have time to enjoy breakfast. I can't stress how important eating breakfast is, because not only will it kick start your day, but it should also help you not to snack your way through the morning. Here are my three suggestions of healthy, low-calorie breakfast options. 

Oh, and by the way, just before I give you some suggestions, I want to point out that I am in no way a nutritionist or anything of the sort. Also, I'm not following any of those fancy name diets, this is just what works for me and well, what I hope will work for you too!

Toast and Fruit
Toast is one of my favourite comfort foods, I admit. But at the same time, in my healthy phases, I cut down on bread as much as I can. The best solution is to strike a balance and opt for whole grain bread, at least that is rich in fibre and fibre is good! I usually reach for two slices of whole grain toast, some natural fruit jam and some fruit at the side (preferably strawberries because they're antioxidants! yay!) whenever I know I'm not going to eat a salad during lunch or dinner. You know, I don't like to overdo it with calories and I make sure I make up for my 'food sins' at breakfast by eating a low-calorie lunch or dinner. Easy!

Fruit Smoothie
Even though I'm a morning person, I still have hectic, busy mornings. The kind where I literally wake up and head out of the house in a matter of 30 minutes. For those type of days, I prepare myself something quick (well, I'm going to start doing so as from tomorrow!) like a fruit smoothie. Just blend some of your favourite fruit, add 1/2 a cup of natural yoghurt and 1tbsp of sugar and you're set to go. I want to buy myself a pretty smoothie cup or glass to carry with me when I'm in a real hurry, so I can drink my smoothie as I head towards the bus stop in the morning! 


Yoghurt and Cereal
This is what I ate this morning and I loved it. There's nothing overly special or complicated about this breakfast option really, just grab your favourite pot of light yoghurt and a high-fibre cereal of your choice. Open your yoghurt and add your cereal and eat it. Pretty simple right? I suggest Muller's Light Yoghurt series, they taste more than just amazing! They do so many different flavours and the pot is really big compared to other yoghurt brands so it's more filling, yay!

You can add fruit too!


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